CReATe Scholars
The CReATe Consortium was first funded by the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN) in 2015. One aspect of the CReATe Consortium and RDCRN is a training program that supports young investigators in rare disease clinical research. Since 2015, there have been 17 trainees supported by the CReATe Consortium along with the American Brain Foundation in Collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology. Introduced below are some of the past and current awardees.

Juliana Laverde-Paz, MSBS
PhD Candidate, University of Miami

Caroline McHutchison, PhD
Lecturer in Psychology, University of Stirling

Melissa Nel, MBChB, PhD
Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Town

Hijai Regina Shin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Children’s Research Institute at the University of Texas Southwestern

Marijne Vandebergh, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Antwerp
“Elucidating the genetic architecture of disease heterogeneity in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration through the investigation of genetic modifiers of disease onset”